Member hosted event Two artists extensively trained in the oral tradition of north Indian (Hindustani) music, Matthew Grasso & Joel Veena, demonstrate their unique instruments and open a door of understanding to the melodic world of ragas. Both guitars feature... Read more
This is a non SGS hosted event. AST presents... Peppino D’Agostino With Daniel Roest Opening Saturday, May 20, 2023 • 7:30 PM Advance Tickets: $30 (+$6 fees) At the Door: $32 (+$6 fees) Advance Student: $20 (+$6 fees) At the Door: $22 (+$6 fees)... Read more
Sacramento Community Advanced Orchestra Rehearsal The Sacramento Community Guitar Orchestra is open to anyone who wishes to improve their skills, and it is a FREE community service for all (donations graciously accepted). Advanced orchestra is for guitarists who have a... Read more
Sponsored concert by the Sacramento Guitar Society. You are cordially invited to attend Sacramento Guitar Society's Spring Concert! First, the two community guitar orchestras, led by Sean O'Connor, will present a rich and varied program including classical works by Mozart... Read more
The Sacramento Community Guitar Orchestra is open to anyone who wishes to improve their skills, and it is a FREE community service for all (donations graciously accepted). Intermediate orchestra is for guitarists who have a basic grasp of scales, chords,... Read more